3 Things Deer Hunters should do in the Hot Summer Months


Alan Jackson sung about it in the 90’s, and many hunter’s live with it still today: summertime blues. It’s that period of time when it heats up outside, it’s months from any hunting season, and it seems there is nothing to do but wait until fall. But, this really isn’t true. There are many things deer hunters can be doing now to help make their upcoming hunting season a better one, and make the summer doldrums disappear quicker than a spooked buck. So here are our top 3 things hunters can do during those hot months to kill those summertime blues and hopefully a big buck come fall.

eliminating clangy metal is key and should be done well before season

Deer Hunter Summer Tip #1: Put on Your Explorer Hat

I’m talking Daniel Boone, not Dora here, as this is a great time to find some new hunting spots. Maybe you wanted to do it in the winter but just couldn’t find the time or didn’t think about it. Still, it’s not too late to pull out the maps, boot up that app, and strap the boots on and start exploring some new areas to hunt. I usually start with a map of some sort and look for my favorite haunts – pinch points, travel corridors, food sources, and funnels. Trying to figure out an existing property or find good areas on a new property is a bit of a fun game and can really help you narrow down options and find new areas you’ve overlooked.


Once you have pinpointed some good looking spots, grab the boots and hit the woods (just make sure to have a mosquito net and some good tick repellent) and see if those spots you identified on the map look as good in person. Foliage may hide some sign from last year, but with a keen eye you can still see old rubs, trails, and have a good idea of how deer have used the area and how they probably will come fall. It’s always exciting to find that next hot spot and even if you don’t, you’ll at least have a better idea of the area and potentially a new spot to give thought to come fall. All intel is good intel, just try not to pressure these areas too close to hunting season, like a month or less from season at minimum.

Deer Hunter Summer Tip #2: Become a Top Sleuth

I used to love reading The Hardy Boys growing up because they were so good at sneaking around undetected by their wary foes. They were master sleuths and you need to become one too if you want your success rate to increase. Now that you’ve identified some new areas, making sure all gear is silent before you hit the woods to hang sticks and stands should be of high importance. The most important area most often overlooked is making your gear and equipment soundproof, enabling you to hang sets, and slip into and out of those new spots undetected. Errant sounds made by your gear can travel hundreds of yards, effectively ruining that spot before you even start hunting it.


I take the summer months to get all my stands, climbing sticks, and all gear dead silent, so I don’t make this mistake and ruin a lot of work I’ve done finding those key hot spots. Covering all contact points where metal can hit metal or plastic eliminates that inevitable clang from contact when carrying or setting stands. Eliminating buckles, zippers, and going to rope mods for sticks and stands is also key. It’s quick and fairly easy to do, and eliminates noisy mistakes that can kill a hunt and hunting season.  Now is the best time to do it, and take stealth to a new level by becoming a master sleuth. Read about the full dead-silent regimen HERE.

Also, you’ll want to take extreme steps to make your gear and clothes completely scent free, and now is a great time to get that system setup or make improvements to it. Some people say being “scent-free” is impossible, but I disagree. With a whitetail’s extremely sensitive nose, hunters have to take this seriously if they expect consistent results, and being extremely meticulous with how the keep scent to a minimum is vital. There is way too much to go into here, but bottom line is you need to address this and summer is a great time to prep for that. To read the full no-scent regimen HERE.

getting stands up early where allowed keeps intrusion to a minimum and ups odds of good encounters during the season.

Deer Hunter Summer Tip #3: Strap on Your Climbing Belt

Since you’ve identified new spots and soundproofed your gear, why not climb some trees and get a stand in there well before season? If state regulations allow, this is a prime time to do just that and beat the crowds to the woods. If you do make a few mistakes or bump some deer, they will have adequate time to readjust and probably won’t move from the area. Remember though, the patterns deer are on now are NOT ones they will be on come early fall (unless your state opens season in summer), so you’re going to want to hang stands based on fall sign you discovered during your summer scouting. It may not be fresh sign, but if deer continue to do what they’ve done, these can materialize into great spots. If you need to trim shooting lanes, remember when leaves fall this will leave you more exposed, so don’t over-trim.  

Doing these 3 simple things can really get you energized and in the fall hunting mood – a great way for beating those summer blues. 

HIGH IQ Takeaways and Challenges:

  1. Take ONE thing that popped into your brain as you read this, and write it down with an action you will take this summer. 
  2. UP your Deer IQ with our FREE Journal  – it steps you through our podcast & curriculum “to be a greater hunter” HERE.
  3. Explore ALL the ways you can get our great content (the private forum, our video series, our podcast) HERE.

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Picture of Adam Lewis

Adam Lewis

Educator, outdoor writer featured in Deer and Deer Hunting, Bowhunter, Field and Stream, North American Whitetail, with 30+ years experience hunting whitetail. Host of the Deer IQ podcast & blog.
