CJ Alexander Indicted on 23 Charges – What it Means


(photo source the columbus dispatch)

CJ Alexander was just indicted on 23 criminal charges related to the 2023 taking of a huge 18 point Ohio buck. Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost announced the indictment saying “Blinded by greed, the defendants set their sights on fame and fortune while disregarding basic hunting regulations.. Instead of the cover of Field & Stream, their notoriety will be a booking photo.”

The Charges Overview

According to the news release, Alexander illegally hunted the buck about 10 miles from where he told DNR officers he took it, and staged the retrieval at his sister’s to conceal the poaching. He was aided by two friends Corey Haunert and Zachary Haunert, who also have been charged along with CJ’s sister Kristina Alexander.


Alexander’s 23 charges include five counts each of illegally hunting deer without written permission, taking possession of a deer in violation of a division rule, three counts of theft by deception, two counts each of hunting without a license, hunting deer without a valid deer permit, tampering with evidence, jacklighting (shining at night), theft, falsification, and sale of wildlife parts.

Corey Haunert’s 8 charges include four counts of aiding a wildlife offender, two counts of hunting without written permission, and one count each of tampering with evidence and falsification.

Zachary Haunert face charges as well as CJ’s sister for falsification and aiding a wildlife offender. Kristina allegedly signed the permission slip giving CJ permission to hunt her land after the buck was shot, and helped the poaching coverup. 

Specific Charges of Note

Some specific charges of note found in the official indictment include:

#1 – September 9, 2022, at Cornerstone Baptist Church, 225 Rudolph St. – Jacklighting (spotting of animals with a light at night).

#2 – November 7th, 2022, at Landrum Oil Inc. – hunting without permission.

#5 – January 7th, 2023, taking of a 150 inch 8 point buck illegally at Landrum Oil Inc. without permission and not reporting this; restitution $4,625.

#11 – February 17th, 2023 at LT Land Development – took SD card without permission from landowner Brad Day.

#15 – November 10th, 2023, at Landrum Oil Inc. and LT Land Development, hunted illegally and took 18 point buck, restitution $35,071.73.

#17 – November 10th, 2023, took the 18 point buck and guts to sister Kristina Alexander’s property for staging.

What it Means

This is not a guilty verdict, and there will be a day in court for these four individuals. The AG news release points out that indictments merely contain allegations, and the defendants are presumed innocent unless proven guilty in a court of law. Prosecuting attorneys will have to show this alleged evidence and get convictions from a jury, however, since grand jury indictments result in about a 95% conviction rate, it does not look good for CJ and his friends. 

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Adam Lewis

Educator, outdoor writer featured in Deer and Deer Hunting, Bowhunter, Field and Stream, North American Whitetail, with 30+ years experience hunting whitetail. Host of the Deer IQ podcast & blog.
